Thursday, April 19, 2012

Quantifiable Q's ~ Life Lessons from the Olympics ~ A to Z Blog Challenge

For the A to Z Challenge, I’ve been doing my daily post without the letter of the day. Q doesn’t seem like much of a challenge, so I shall flip it and put as many ‘q’ words as possible in today’s post. Get your dictionaries ready and remember that I am having to use some of these words with a very loose definition in order to get as many Q words as possible into the post.

Quick! Quantify the number of days until a quorum of countries send representatives of quintessential athletic prowess to qualify for the Olympic Games. What quantity do you get? The question’s answer is an unequivocal ninety-nine.

Yes! Quality athletes, such as equestrians, will enter the quandary that is the Games in just over a quarter of a cycle of equinoxes. If a quiz queried you on the quarters of this quest to squash competitors and win gold, could you quickly equate the answer with London, England? If so, you’d be quite correct!  

The Olympics equates with world tranquility for a quantum amount of people. This piques me to pick up quill and question why.  

Life does not possess ubiquitous laws of etiquette. The Games do. There is a quirk that compels the clique of athletes to equip themselves to quote the rules correctly, regardless of mosques or faquirs or even quaint political views. The Olympics conquers boundaries. There is a quest with clearly written requirements that quarrel not with everyday life but conquers the banquet of a single competition.

When we bequest our lives to quivers of compartments,  we don’t quibble at the squads of strictures and rules we square off with within each quay. It’s queen of why we squeak “Don’t cuss,  you’re in church!”

We queue up a quilt of quips that require different rules for the quasi compartments of our lives without a qualm. This quells unrest occasionally, acquiring pockets of peace, while bequeathing others cirques with oceans of vulnerability.

The quiet facade of The Games has been chequered  with bitter, vengeful tragedy before. Squelch the compartments when you can. Life has a way of conquering the edges.

So.... this was pretty difficult. I hope my idea came across. If not, well, I’ll probably make another go at it when the Olympics comes around. Check out other A to Z participants using the link below. 


  1. wow, couldn't have said it better myself---no really great job!

  2. That was a pretty difficult task you set yourself. I'm glad we don't have to use some of those words in our novel-writing though. They would repel the reader. Blog on!

  3. Yes, I'm glad I don't have to write this way on a regular basis! It took a really long time. Thanks for stopping by!
