Monday, April 30, 2012

Zany Z's ~ Life Lessons from Zambonis ~ A to Z Blog Challenge

For the A to Z Challenge, I’ve been doing my daily post without the letter of the day. Z doesn’t seem like much of a challenge, so I shall flip it and put as many ‘Z’ words as possible in today’s post. Get your dictionaries ready and remember that I am having to use some of these words with a very loose definition.

My zany husband told me to vocalize about Zambonis today. So I will.

By Calle Eklund/V-wolf via Wikimedia Commons
Zambonis are the zenith of resurfacing gizmos. Unlike bulldozers and road pavers, Zambonis blaze through the resurfacing task. Water freezing over the new glazed surface of the ice rink, removing the hazards of zigging grooves and zagging chinks.

Speed is essential since Zambonis must zip out and dazzle crowds several times at jazzy figure skating competitions and razzy hockey games.

Bozos that we are, people brazenly need God to be a Zamboni. Sin oozes across our lives with agonizing frequency. We can say Zippidy-do-dah because God can blitz in at any time to whizz over our life and zero out the sin scale with a fresh surface.

He is zealous to forgive those who ask.

Also like Zambonis, people use dozens of other names to attempt the same thing. There are real Zambonis and fake ones. And there is one Real God. 

Whew! What a crazy month! I have succeeded in the A to Z Challenge. Tomorrow my blog goes back to normal. Stick around – there are many great posts to come... just not quite as frequently. ;)

Check out other A to Z participants using the link below. 

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Yanked Out Y's ~ Life Lessons from Being Sick ~ A to Z Blog Challenge

When I began thinking about the A to Z challenge, I thought for a long time about what I wanted to write. I tried to think of ways to find neat things about the English language with each letter. And then I thought, what if that letter didn’t exist? So I am doing an abbreviated version of my Life Lessons series that I normally do on Fridays, but without using the letter of the day. What would life be like without that letter? Let’s find out...

First off, I am feeling much better. No more stories about Xander and his musical instrument.

Second, I would like to express something that occurred to me while being sick. I keep the children at home. It is something I have been blessed to be able to do. However, with little ones running around, it’s a problem when mom is out of commission. And believe me, mom was out of commission.

This is where another blessing comes into the picture. I live about an hour from Grandma. This is the perfect distance, I think. Close enough for a quick trip but far enough not to just stop over whenever the mood strikes. The fabulous, loving people that birthed and raised me rearranged things so that Grandma could come to the rescue.

Here’s the catch: I didn’t want her to.

No, this is not the house I live in.
This picture is from

I was desperate. It was almost impossible for me to care for the kids, but I wanted so bad to be able to tell her not to come. Because the house is a disaster. Not the “oh, there’s a bit of a mess so I’ll call it a disaster and people will think I’m cleaner than this on a normal basis”  kind of disaster. It was the “I dare someone to find a clean flat surface including the floor” kind of disaster.

And I didn’t want her to see it. But I needed her. I couldn’t do what needed to be done without her.

Life is like that. People have mentioned to me several times “I’ll come to Jesus when I get a few things cleaned up in life.” We want to bring Jesus into a clean house so He’ll think better of us. The thing is, Grandma knows I’m a horrendous housekeeper. This is not news. God knows the worst things we’ve done in life. It’s not news to Him either. Even Christians tend to hide from God when a little mess gets into their life.

We need Jesus. We can’t function as were created to without Him. So let Him in, no matter what the mess. And here’s the best news: He’s great at clean up.

Check out other A to Z participants using the link below. 

Friday, April 27, 2012

Xander's Xylophone ~ A to Z Blog Challenge

I'm sick today. I freely admit that the following post is a total cop out. 

Xander the ox had a xylophone. He played extremely well. His extraordinary plunks extracted exotic sighs from other oxen.

The End.

Check out some of my other A to Z posts to get a better feel of this blog. I'm going to go toss my cookies now. 

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Writing Without W's ~ Life Lessons from an 18th Century Porter ~ A to Z Blog Challenge

When I began thinking about the A to Z challenge, I thought for a long time about what I wanted to write. I tried to think of ways to find neat things about the English language with each letter. And then I thought, what if that letter didn’t exist? So I am doing an abbreviated version of my Life Lessons series that I normally do on Fridays, but without using the letter of the day. What would life be like without that letter? Let’s find out...

I don’t often talk about my story creation stuff on this blog. (Mostly because it’s not published and you can’t read it yet!) Yesterday I researched English servants for my current project. Jonathan S – actually, I can’t say his name. Dean of St. Patrick’s in the 18th century. He’s the author of Gulliver’s Travels. He also published a book about servants.

There is a lot of interesting tidbits in there, such as the implication that the housemaid cleaned in bare feet, but the chapter to the porter really caught my eye.

It’s a short chapter, only a paragraph in length. The entirety of it consists of a list of people not to admit into the house if you serve a minister of state. The list included his paid spy, his chief flatterer, his solicitor, and a host of other people. It left me trying to think of people the porter could admit to the house.

I think the list is intended to let the master of the house live in peace. If all of these people aren’t admitted to the house then they have to see him at the office. That means home is safe. Home is peaceful. Home is a sanctuary.

I think everyone needs a porter in their life. Not someone opening the door and telling the UPS guy he can’t come in. (Though I defy anyone to actually catch the UPS guy unless they have to sign something. Even if I’m in the living room and hear the package thunk on the porch, he’s gone before I open the door.)

I think people need mental porters. Lots of different thoughts may come knocking, but they don’t all need to be entertained. Job stress is better left at the door and not the dinner table. Reliving the funny scene from a TV episode isn’t appropriate in church. Impure thoughts should never be granted entrance.

Since it is impossible to shrink a man and implant him in our brains to guard our mental door, it is necessary to build that porter ourselves. It is very difficult and requires a great deal of effort, but it’s a valuable skill to possess if you can master it.

Are there methods you have discovered for shielding your mental home from undesirable thought visitors? Share them in the comments.

I use ‘w’ so much more than I realized. Several sentences I had to rewrite. Check out other A to Z participants using the link below. 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Vamoosed V's ~ Life Lessons from Popcorn ~ A to Z Blog Challenge

When I began thinking about the A to Z challenge, I thought for a long time about what I wanted to write. I tried to think of ways to find neat things about the English language with each letter. And then I thought, what if that letter didn’t exist? So I am doing an abbreviated version of my Life Lessons series that I normally do on Fridays, but without using the letter of the day. What would life be like without that letter? Let’s find out...

Daddy at the lake with the kids.
My children adore their daddy. I’m so glad they do, but it occasionally leads to a feeling of jealousy. They see me all day long, so there are rarely pleas for more “mommy time” when we announce that it’s time to brush teeth.

It is not unusual for my husband to be caught piling all three of the them into his lap in the big recliner because they are arguing about who gets to snuggle with daddy next. I am eternally grateful that they are so close to their daddy. It sets the foundation for important relationships later in life. But I get a little jealous of the showered affection sometimes.

Last night, though, it was my turn. And all it took was a bowl of popcorn.

I was engulfed in one of those attacks of the Must-Eats. Some people call them munchies. When I get like that, I pop popcorn. It’s better than inhaling an entire bag of chips or half the box of fudge bars. My kids also like popcorn.

I sat in the chair, propped my feet up, and found my lap full of wriggling bodies intent on snagging my snack. I enjoyed each second. The best part was when, after all the popcorn was gone and I set the bowl aside, my eldest stayed in my lap. She snuggled up to me and finished the Mythbusters episode. I don’t get that often.

The point of this is that we often get jealous when it seems God is spending time showering affection on someone else. Maybe someone got the solo you wanted or the promotion. Maybe you think they possess more or better talents or gifts than you do. What we need to remember is that at another time, in another place, God will snuggle with us. He has a plan for each of his children and it doesn’t mean each will succeed at the same time. That just isn’t realistic.

So beware of the big green monster lest he consume your judgment and make you forget those cherished moments when you and God munched from the same popcorn bowl.

I thought I was going to need to do a post with as many V words as possible until I realized just how easy it was to write with the letter V. Leaving out words such as have and very are much more difficult. Check out other A to Z participants using the link below. 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Unaccounted U's ~ Life Lessons from a Movie Ad ~ A to Z Blog Challenge

When I began thinking about the A to Z challenge, I thought for a long time about what I wanted to write. I tried to think of ways to find neat things about the English language with each letter. And then I thought, what if that letter didn’t exist? So I am doing an abbreviated version of my Life Lessons series that I normally do on Fridays, but without using the letter of the day. What would life be like without that letter? Let’s find out...

An image of a raven. Even the movie poster is creepy.
I can't look at it so I won't post it.
We don’t have cable. Instead I watch television shows on the laptop. Anybody that watches television via the internet can bear witness to the repetition of the ads in the show’s breaks. Today I kept seeing a preview for the movie The Raven.

Now I don’t do scary. I don’t do scary television shows, movies, or even books. I even have a hard time with the Halloween episodes of some of my kids’ shows. I don’t do scary at all.

Most of the time I have no problem avoiding it. Even the ads are easily  ignored. Most of the time.

The ad for The Ravenscared me spitless. And it came on every single break in the show. I heard the scream and immediately ripped the headphones from my ears and went, “Lalalalalala” for thirty seconds. If the ad is any indication, the movie is terrifying.

Why do people crave being scared? Why are frightening movies so attractive? I think it makes people feel strong. The adrenaline crawling in the veins, the heartbeat accelerating, the breath catching. It gives people the feeling of accomplishment, I think. As if they were the one to finally fight off the serial killer. We want to feel filled with power while maintaining the safety of the sofa.

I think we do that with life, too. We attend services, send checks to charities, and report a tweet concerning people trafficking and we get a good feeling. Yet we haven’t really done anything. We want the emotional high while avoiding the emotional risk. I’m talking to myself in this post as well. I find myself doing the same thing.

What are we replacing real actions with? What can we do to change that?

Check out other A to Z participants using the link below.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Tossed Out T's ~ Life Lessons from Mice ~ A to Z Blog Challenge

When I began thinking about the A to Z challenge, I thought for a long time about what I wanted to write. I tried to think of ways to find neat things about the English language with each letter. And then I thought, what if that letter didn’t exist? So I am doing an abbreviated version of my Life Lessons series that I normally do on Fridays, but without using the letter of the day. What would life be like without that letter? Let’s find out...

A mouse slipped inside our young people room in church Wednesday evening. I alone saw Senor Mouse’s approach. In my surprise I babbled, “Hey, I see a mouse behind a device used for viewing movies and images!” Okay, possibly I said a variance of ‘device used for viewing movies and images’. You can deduce my genuine words.

An issue arose when I said my words. I drew our young people was husband was advising on Biblical principles inside a mouse-induced frenzy. Oops. We carried on regardless. All minds were on said mouse as my husband expounds upon God’s word. Oops again.

Do you have mice in your life? Mice cause negligence in our heeding of God’s commands. Share your mice below.

Check out other A to Z participants using the link below. 

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Suspended S's ~ Life Lessons from Nail Polish ~ A to Z Blog Challenge

When I began thinking about the A to Z challenge, I thought for a long time about what I wanted to write. I tried to think of ways to find neat things about the English language with each letter. And then I thought, what if that letter didn’t exist? So I am doing an abbreviated version of my Life Lessons series that I normally do on Fridays, but without using the letter of the day. What would life be like without that letter? Let’s find out...

I painted the nail on the end of each finger the night before today. I’m not certain why. Every time I apply nail paint, I regret it by the time the little hand can go thrice around the clock. A chip here, a chip there, and pretty can no longer be a depiction of my manicure  in a very abbreviated amount of time.

And yet currently on the end of each finger lay a patch of glittery pink.

I frequently do a pedicure, but a manicure cannot make it a week on my hand. Which can beget the inquiry why. Why do I do a project I know I will regret? It will not maintain the beauty it had initially. Why do it at all?

No rhetorical part of that query – I really don’t know. Do you have an idea? 

Check out other A to Z participants using the link below. 

Friday, April 20, 2012

Removed R's ~ Life Lessons from Peek-A-Boo ~ A to Z Blog Challenge

When I began thinking about the A to Z challenge, I thought for a long time about what I wanted to write. I tried to think of ways to find neat things about the English language with each letter. And then I thought, what if that letter didn’t exist? So I am doing an abbreviated version of my Life Lessons series that I normally do on Fridays, but without using the letter of the day. What would life be like without that letter? Let’s find out...

No this isn't my child, but with
all that twisty hair it could be!
I tossed a blanket on my son’s head today. I also placed one on the head of my youngest female child. They then giggled like hyenas as I began asking about my kids’ location. I faked like I couldn’t find them. Judging by the happy smile when they flung away the “hiding spots” they believed that I couldn’t see them.

But I could.

While they thought they hid well beneath small sections of cloth, I could see them the whole time. I know all the things they did while beneath the blanket. And they had to know that because they also had me hide beneath the blanket.

Yet the acted like I couldn’t see them.

We do the same thing with God. We think if we huddle in the closet we can be safe, his disappointment held at bay. Maybe if sins only happen when no one is with us, they won’t count. And then we pop out and go to God’s house with huge smiles on the same faces that hid away days ago.

What makes you choose to play Peek-A-Boo with God? Do you think it’s successful?

Check out other A to Z participants using the link below. 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Quantifiable Q's ~ Life Lessons from the Olympics ~ A to Z Blog Challenge

For the A to Z Challenge, I’ve been doing my daily post without the letter of the day. Q doesn’t seem like much of a challenge, so I shall flip it and put as many ‘q’ words as possible in today’s post. Get your dictionaries ready and remember that I am having to use some of these words with a very loose definition in order to get as many Q words as possible into the post.

Quick! Quantify the number of days until a quorum of countries send representatives of quintessential athletic prowess to qualify for the Olympic Games. What quantity do you get? The question’s answer is an unequivocal ninety-nine.

Yes! Quality athletes, such as equestrians, will enter the quandary that is the Games in just over a quarter of a cycle of equinoxes. If a quiz queried you on the quarters of this quest to squash competitors and win gold, could you quickly equate the answer with London, England? If so, you’d be quite correct!  

The Olympics equates with world tranquility for a quantum amount of people. This piques me to pick up quill and question why.  

Life does not possess ubiquitous laws of etiquette. The Games do. There is a quirk that compels the clique of athletes to equip themselves to quote the rules correctly, regardless of mosques or faquirs or even quaint political views. The Olympics conquers boundaries. There is a quest with clearly written requirements that quarrel not with everyday life but conquers the banquet of a single competition.

When we bequest our lives to quivers of compartments,  we don’t quibble at the squads of strictures and rules we square off with within each quay. It’s queen of why we squeak “Don’t cuss,  you’re in church!”

We queue up a quilt of quips that require different rules for the quasi compartments of our lives without a qualm. This quells unrest occasionally, acquiring pockets of peace, while bequeathing others cirques with oceans of vulnerability.

The quiet facade of The Games has been chequered  with bitter, vengeful tragedy before. Squelch the compartments when you can. Life has a way of conquering the edges.

So.... this was pretty difficult. I hope my idea came across. If not, well, I’ll probably make another go at it when the Olympics comes around. Check out other A to Z participants using the link below. 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Persnickety P's ~ Life Lessons from Sticky Notes ~ A to Z Blog Challenge

When I began thinking about the A to Z challenge, I thought for a long time about what I wanted to write. I tried to think of ways to find neat things about the English language with each letter. And then I thought, what if that letter didn’t exist? So I am doing an abbreviated version of my Life Lessons series that I normally do on Fridays, but without using the letter of the day. What would life be like without that letter? Let’s find out...

I thought about writing on efforts to toilet-train my daughter, but that is really difficult without the letter of the day... haha. :)

They're colored, lined, AND sticky.
What more could you want?
So, instead I want to look at sticky notes. (And, yes, that is what they really are, unless you are using the brand name ones.) I. Love. Sticky notes. It’s bordering on obsession. I use them everywhere. In college, I studied software engineering, which meant I designed a lot of... things to run on those electronic brains you are likely using to read this. Some of them got rather elaborate.

Sticky notes made life so much easier. I would lay the whole design out on the wall using colored sticky notes. For those who know about writing electronic brain directions, I worked with object-oriented languages, so it leant itself well to division by sticky note. Sometimes I covered entire walls.

I didn't make this, but it's a mosaic made with sticky notes.
How cool is that?!?
I don’t write directions anymore, but sticky notes still factor into my designs. In my “office” corner I have large sheets of writing material on the walls. These hold images I’ve used to enliven characters and scenes in my novels. They hold story lines. As I work, I add things using stick notes. Then I occasionally take them down and transfer the notes to the sheets with marker to make things a little neater.

So what can we learn from sticky notes? I’m not really sure. I just really like them and wanted to write about them. Which I guess is the lesson. Take delight in the little things in life. Sticky notes make me smile. I enjoy using them so I get things done when I make sticky notes involved.

What little things do you enjoy?  What makes you smile?

Check out other A to Z participants using the link below. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Overlooked O's ~ Life Lessons from the Titanic ~ A to Z Blog Challenge

When I began thinking about the A to Z challenge, I thought for a long time about what I wanted to write. I tried to think of ways to find neat things about the English language with each letter. And then I thought, what if that letter didn’t exist? So I am doing an abbreviated version of my Life Lessons series that I normally do on Fridays, but without using the letter of the day. What would life be like without that letter? Let’s find out...

Sunday was a big anniversary in shipwreck-land. It was the Titanic’s sinking’s hundredth anniversary. There are many humans fascinated by this watery tragedy. Huge films, several educating TV displays, artifact exhibits, and things like that have made the giant ship’s sinking an intrinsic piece in yesteryear.

Why are we as humans fascinated by this tragedy? Because fascinated we are. Clive Cussler’s published manuscript, Raise the Titanic, while inaccurate, indicated interest in the sunken vessel. James... well, the Avatar guy has made many, many trips in a sub that let him see the wreck firsthand. He then made a little film that made a little cash and recently made a reappearance in theaters. RMS Titanic, Inc is a business that exists because its namesake crashed and sank.

I think it’s because we see, a little bit, human frailty against the Maker’s almighty strength. Titanic was an engineering feat. A marvel. The best attainable ship. Virtually unsinkable. A natural element marked its demise. Wealth didn’t (is that cheating?) have saving abilities. An individual can argue that wealth purchased first class tickets which increased survivability, but many wealthy died and many steerage passengers lived. There was a certain leveling. And in the water, class and purchased tickets mattered even less. They didn’t make individuals any warmer.

The iceberg likely hit by Titanic.
Taken 5 days after accident. 
Man always tries building things bigger and better, but naught built can withstand nature’s strength. Hurricanes, spinning winds, tidal waves, earthquakes. Natural events that bring man’s engineering flat. The Maker is the ultimate brawn in the universe. Nature is a reminder that He has greater muscle than we can ever imagine.

Check out other A to Z participants using the link below. 

Monday, April 16, 2012

Neglected N's ~ Life Lessons from An Explosive TV Show ~ A to Z Blog Challenge

When I began thinking about the A to Z challenge, I thought for a long time about what I wanted to write. I tried to think of ways to find neat things about the English language with each letter. And then I thought, what if that letter didn’t exist? So I am doing an abbreviated version of my Life Lessons series that I normally do on Fridays, but without using the letter of the day. What would life be like without that letter? Let’s find out...

We like to watch the MythBusters at my house.  Together with my spouse, I like to locate all the cracks with their methodology that make their trial become less accurate. My kids like to watch stuff blow up. I have to admit I like that part too.

Mostly, we watch old episodes with a service that has the blocked letter as part of  its sobriquet. (Oh yeah, big word. Look it up. hehe) We saw a particular episode last week that dealt with myths from movies. This is far from a solitary episode that looks at Hollywood. It is a familiar topic for the show.

photo courtesy of Morguefile
What zest we have to see the truth about our favorite movies! Yet how bored we get if asked to seek the truth of scripture. Why do we study our pastimes with so much more fervor? The Bible reveals truth about the very fabric of our souls, yet we declare it dull.

Over the years I have discovered that the Bible is hardly dull. The stories it holds easily compare to whatever Hollywood puts out. Here is your dare for the day: locate a story from the Bible that you allow to be a tale to pique curiosity.  Just the other day I came across where God had all Israel partake of gold.

What have you come across?

Check out other A to Z participants using the link below.

Side note: You can also find me over on Regency Reflections today. I'm talking about strange taxes in 19th century England. 

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Marauded M's ~ Life Lessons from Traveling with Kids ~ A to Z Blog Challenge

When I began thinking about the A to Z challenge, I thought for a long time about what I wanted to write. I tried to think of ways to find neat things about the English language with each letter. And then I thought, what if that letter didn’t exist? So I am doing an abbreviated version of my Life Lessons series that I normally do on Fridays, but without using the letter of the day. What would life be like without that letter? Let’s find out...

Have you ever taken a trip with children? I do love how our kids have picked up on dear hubby's practicality and ask "are we close yet" because obviously we aren't there yet or the van would be stopped.

I don't love how often they ask.

On a recent trip to the grandparents, we hadn't even gotten on the interstate before its first utterance. It is a beautiful drive to their house, but, understandably, the kids were interested in actually hugging Granddad's neck, not the scenery between our house and theirs.

The issue this brings up is all the things they don't see because they are so focused on arriving. Like the toilet bowl planter or the HUGE (yes, like several people could picnic on the seat huge) rocking chair on the side of the road. We've passed it before they can look up and see what the hubbs and I are talking about.

We do this so often with God. He gives us a vision and we're so focused on getting there, on seeing it alter and turn into reality that we are unaware of the beautiful journey He wants to take us on the get there. Let's not be so quick to ask God "Are we close yet?" Instead let's start asking God what he wants us to learn along the way. Let's walk beside the Lord instead of in front.

Have you ever gotten ahead of God? What happened?

Check out other A to Z participants using the link below. 

Friday, April 13, 2012

Left Out L's ~ Life Lessons from a Late Post ~ A to Z Blog Challenge

When I began thinking about the A to Z challenge, I thought for a long time about what I wanted to write. I tried to think of ways to find neat things about the English language with each letter. And then I thought, what if that letter didn’t exist? So I am doing an abbreviated version of my Life Lessons series that I normally do on Fridays, but without using the letter of the day. What would life be like without that letter? Let’s find out...

My post is getting up at a time much nearer to noon than I post most days.

Why? Because I went to bed at a time that was much nearer to noon than my most frequent bed time. Yesterday was a very hard day for me. I didn’t get much rest the night before because of the kids and just not getting situated to snooze.

This morning I am doing so much better, it’s hard to grasp. Sometimes we just need to shut everything down and rest. It’s amazing how often we forget the importance of rest. Think about it. When something is pressing and we don’t have time to get it done, what is the first thing we sacrifice? Rest. And that’s not the best thing for us.

Check out other A to Z participants using the link below. 

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Kicked Out K's ~ Life Lessons from Reality Television ~ A to Z Blog Challenge

When I began thinking about the A to Z challenge, I thought for a long time about what I wanted to write. I tried to think of ways to find neat things about the English language with each letter. And then I thought, what if that letter didn’t exist? So I am doing an abbreviated version of my Life Lessons series that I normally do on Fridays, but without using the letter of the day. What would life be like without that letter? Let’s find out...

I am a closet fan of reality television... well, maybe not so closeted anymore. Mostly I watch competition shows such as The Voice and So You... well, that dancing show on the same station as American Idol. Sometimes I watch the dating shows along the lines of the Bachelor where you see all the “behind the scenes” drama.

Part of the reason I enjoy them is the glimpse they give into human nature. No, I don’t believe all of the girls America loves to hate are as bad as editing shows them to be, but there are elements of authenticity mixed in with the contrived shenanigans. It’s also interesting to see the results of voting based competition shows.

Whenever people get into conversations about reality television, they start discussing their favorites, who they want to succeed and who they hope crashes and burns. Very rarely does anyone actually pull for the “best” one, the one that seems to be the expected front runner, the one reviewers and critics claim as the top contestant.

Why is that? I believe it is the internal desire we all have to be original. The anti-bandwagon mentality permeates out society. I can’t count how many times I’ve heard someone say “I was a fan until everyone else started listening to them” in relation to a band that hits it big. 

When we do this we do a disservice to the artist and to ourselves. We cheat ourselves of the enjoyment of watching someone succeed in something they do well and enjoying the excellent fruits of their labor. In addition someone with true potential is actually penalized for it. Yet at the same time we want to be incredibly successful in our own rite as well.

What would happen if we put aside our fear of what other people thought of our choices and just formed our own opinions? I believe we’d all find life more enjoyable.

When was the last time you chose to have a preference for or rejected something because of what other people would believe about you because of the choice?

So hard to do this post without using the word 'like'! Check out other A to Z participants using the link below. 

On a side note, you can win a copy of Naomi Rawling's new book by leaving a comment on her interview over on Regency Reflections. Click here to leave a comment and enter!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Just Avoiding J's ~ Life Lessons from a Vacuum ~ A to Z Blog Challenge

When I began thinking about the A to Z challenge, I thought for a long time about what I wanted to write. I tried to think of ways to find neat things about the English language with each letter. And then I thought, what if that letter didn’t exist? So I am doing an abbreviated version of my Life Lessons series that I normally do on Fridays, but without using the letter of the day. What would life be like without that letter? Let’s find out...

As anyone who follows my blog knows, I am not the world’s best housekeeper. I have, however, recently developed a habit that seems to be keeping the bulk of the clutter at bay. At least in certain areas of the house. This habit, when committed to , keeps things fairly straight. What is this miracle habit you ask?

I vacuum.

Every day.

This might seem a little extreme, but it works. Why? Because I have to pick things up in order to vacuum. I have about two thirds of my house in my daily vacuum right now, and every day I add a little bit more. Eventually it will only take me about 45 minutes each day to keep my house straight – less if I can get my kids trained to pick up their toys a little better.

Having this monotonous routine in my day has helped me realize the advantages of regularity in keeping things where they should be.

I have a friend who says the Lord’s Prayer every day. I asked him how that didn’t become something he said by rote. He told me that he used it to keep things straight. It helped him remember to order all the different areas of his life and priorities before he started the day.

What types of things do you use to keep regularity in your life? A talisman to keep you from smoking? A picture to help you not eat too much chocolate? Maybe a song that helps you get in the right mindset each morning. Whatever it is, share it in the comments below.

Since ‘J’ was no work at all to avoid, I feel a bit like I cheated. So.....  Jumping jaguars just jogged juxtaposed to jiving jellyfish in Japan.  Check out other A to Z participants using the link below. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Illuminating I's ~ Life Lessons From a Dirty Van Window ~ A to Z Blog Challenge

When I began thinking about the A to Z challenge, I thought for a long time about what I wanted to write. I tried to think of ways to find neat things about the English language with each letter. And then I thought, what if that letter didn’t exist? So I am doing an abbreviated version of my Life Lessons series that I normally do on Fridays, but without using the letter of the day. What would life be like without that letter? Let’s find out...

The back glass of my van got cleaned the other day at the QT. The handled sponge/squeegee worked well as a glass washer, but there’s a funny aspect of water: water runs.

Before one could say “You should really wash the whole van” black streaks decorated the back of my van. Yes, there was that much crud to clean off. The prospect from the seats was now clearer but the van as a whole looked worse.

The sponge could swat at the worst of the streaks, but every attempt to correct the new marks came to naught. (There’s a fun phrase for you. We should all say “came to naught” more often.) Unless the whole van got washed, anyone who looked at the van would see the smudges and crud that covered the body.

How often do we try cleaning spots? We clean one area of ourselves only to be left with black streaks on other parts because we haven’t bothered to address the real problem. Stuff God doesn’t care for covers our whole soul and unless we get the Creator to clean us, we can only move the muck around.

As a flanked note the van has yet to be washed. Repentance, however, has been requested from and granted by God.

When I decided to do this lesson from the van’s back window on the day for letter I, I thought I was crazy. Turned out to be easier than I expected. The hardest part was not saying the word ‘I’. It made me look at things differently. Try going through the day without saying the word ‘I’ and watch your perspective change. Check out other A to Z participants using the link below. 

Monday, April 9, 2012

Hijacking H's ~ Life Lessons from Easter Eggs ~ A to Z Blog Challenge

When I began thinking about the A to Z challenge, I thought for a long time about what I wanted to write. I tried to think of ways to find neat things about the English language with each letter. And then I thought, what if that letter didn’t exist? So I am doing an abbreviated version of my Life Lessons series that I normally do on Fridays, but without using the letter of the day. What would life be like without that letter? Let’s find out...

Yesterday was Easter. Did you dye any eggs as part of your festivities? Included in our traditions for, er, above two and below four years, colored eggs are one of my kids favorite Easter activities. My eldest dyed eggs in Pre-K. A pink and a yellow egg came back after a class party.

My baby girl decided to eat one of my kid’s eggs for snack. I assumed my lassie’s eggs were boiled, because I never got an earful of anyone dyeing non-boiled eggs. I can now correct any similar lack for anyone else. My kid’s class dyed raw eggs.

Needless to say I was not expecting rawness as I went to peel an egg for my moppet to eat it. Fortunately, it possessed an extra strong membrane. I was blessed not to find egg splattered all over my table. Since I couldn’t put egg back in a fragile casing and boil it, I fried it. My kid was not gleeful about it. Quite upset actually. It was not my kid’s expectation, nor was it mine.

Many items in life are different from our expectations. We find ourselves scrambling (pun intended) to regroup and deal. We can fall apart or we can adjust. I put out a lot of effort in my life to adjust – it just makes our world an easier place to live. Do you know of any examples in your life? Did you manage your surprise well?

‘H’ was a lot harder than I expected! It took out words like the, her, this, when, and of course three. Hope you had a Happy Easter! Check out other A to Z participants using the link below.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Jetisoning G's ~ Life Lessons from Cranky Children ~ A to Z Blog Challenge

When I began thinking about the A to Z challenge, I thought for a long time about what I wanted to write. I tried to think of ways to find neat things about the English language with each letter. And then I thought, what if that letter didn’t exist? So I am doing an abbreviated version of my Life Lessons series that I normally do on Fridays, but without using the letter of the day. What would life be like without that letter? Let’s find out...

This week has been New Warmer Season’s Break for us. That means my oldest has been home from school and I don’t have a requirement to haul three small children out of the house and around town every day. In some ways this is positive. In others... well, not so much.

Here’s the problem: I’m a homebody. Now as an author this is fabulous. I don’t care if I stay in my pajamas all day and live in my made-up little world from breakfast until dinner. My kids are not that way. We did not leave the house yesterday. By the time we left for the, er, Swell Friday service at church this afternoon, claws had come out, moods had soured, and the volume of whines and complaints had reached an all time record.

Unlike me, my children require an alteration in scenery. When we let twenty-four hours slip by without a trip somewhere, all the other family members climb the walls.

Christian ministry can be like this as well. Some people can serve all day in several different capacities and show up the next day with a smile on their face, ready to jump in one more time. Other people require breaks. They need different routines. It’s part of their make-up – who the Lord created them to be.

Sometimes I find myself held up as the yardstick by which I measure another’s service. This is incorrect on so many levels.

One, it’s not my place to measure.

Two, the Lord wants a personal relationship with you which means that He has a different plan for you than for Billy Bob Joe down the street.

Three, I need to focus on what I have to handle instead of what someone else has on their plate.

And four, I could start to find fault in myself in areas where the Lord has not called me.

What expectations do you find you place on others simply because they work for you?

Check out other A to Z participants using the link below. 

Friday, April 6, 2012

Infrequent F's ~ Life Lessons from Writer's Block ~ A to Z Challenge

When I began thinking about the A to Z challenge, I thought for a long time about what I wanted to write. I tried to think of ways to find neat things about the English language with each letter. And then I thought, what if that letter didn’t exist? So I am doing an abbreviated version of my Life Lessons series that I normally do on Fridays, but without using the letter of the day. What would life be like without that letter? Let’s find out...

I have nothing to write about, which is sad because this is day six in the A to Z challenge. There is a long way to go. I guess you could say I have Writer’s Block.

It was somewhat scary, staring at the blank page, knowing I had a deadline to get my blog up and knowing I had no idea what to put down. Normally, I have my blogs written out several days, or more like a couple weeks in advance. This daily blog challenge has me scrambling a bit more than usual.

Normallly, I know what I am going to write when I sit down, but not today. Which begs the question, how should we handle being brought up against the unknown? There are several options. We can respond with terror, determination, or rebellion.

Terror many times makes numbs us until we do nothing. Determination sets us up to dig in the trenches and battle our way through. Rebellion tends to draw us in the opposite direction which isn’t always the best thing for us. 

Obviously, I’m choosing to battle through – given that I have a post up today. How do you react when you come up against things you aren’t prepared to see?

Check out other A to Z participants using the link below. 

As a side note, I am also blogging over at Regency Reflections today. Come check it out