Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Traditional Smaditional

Thanksgiving is only two days away. I hope you are planning a wonderful long weekend doing whatever you need the most. For some of you, it's visiting family that you haven't seen in a while. For others, it's opening up your home to share your blessings with friends. Then there are others, like me and mine, who really need a weekend to do nothing.

December is crazy hectic for us, like it is for a lot of families. This weekend, no one expects us to be anywhere, do anything, or talk to anyone. It's a fabulous opportunity to retreat and recharge in preparation for the frenzy that is December.

photo by scubadive67 on Flickr
I am fortunate enough to have family that is somewhat local and we'll be meeting up with them to stuff ourselves with turkey and dressing. Lots and lots of dressing. In my family, the dressing takes center stage. At times over the years the turkey has been switched out for ham or even barbecue, but the dressing... All out mutiny would occur if my mother did not make dressing. She makes the equivalent of a full size sheet pan every year. There are no leftovers.

So this year, forget traditional. I have never in my life seen a whole, cooked turkey carved at the Thanksgiving table, and I am just fine with that. Your family traditions don't have to be traditional. They are the things that bond and define your family and friends and make the holidays truly special. This year, throw traditional out the window and make some of your own unique traditions.

What are some of your unique family traditions?

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